Oh How He Loves Us!

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7, 8 ESV)

It is now two and half weeks without coffee and I don’t even miss it! God is so amazing and willing to help us whenever we ask. You have to understand, I had a love affair with coffee and when I tell people who know me, that I am not drinking it anymore, they are amazed! Our daughter works at Starbucks and a good friend of mine works at another store so I could get coffee whenever I wanted. I am in awe at how I feel so much better and guess what? The aches and pains are almost gone! I certainly do not have any in my fingers anymore which I am very excited about.
However, I knew this was going to be a struggle with me and my flesh as I so enjoyed my coffee first thing in the morning. I did what I heard a great preacher tell he did when he decided he was going to stop drinking coffee. I prayed and asked God for His help as I certainly could not do this on my own. I also asked for no withdrawal from caffeine such as headaches. Well, He did exactly as I asked and I have never had a headache – not one! There was something that I did not know and did not pray for, was muscle cramps. For the first week and a half, around my knees would get so sore by evening, that I would be limping around the house. I could not figure out what was happening until one day I was reading on a website that muscle cramps can be a withdrawal symptom from caffeine! Those symptoms have disappeared which I am most grateful for.
I used to drink coffee to help me get through the day which I believe most of the population of North America does. The more I am learning, the more I believe that my adrenal glands have not been functioning properly as I would just drag through most of the day and need the pick up from the coffee to help me get by. One of the things I was dreading the most about giving up coffee was the afternoon slump. Well, I have been speaking to my adrenal glands and commanding them to function properly so I don’t have that slump in the afternoon. Guess what, I don’t have that anymore either! God is so good to us when we trust Him and do what He is nudging us to do. He created us, so He knows what our bodies need and each one of us is different. Mine happened to be no coffee.

“Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.” (Psalms 37:5 NLT)

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